This One is for Team DMC.
As I navigate the rocky terrain of pushing a video business to the next level in a foreign country, I am constantly paying attention to the bombardment of online advice that says "produce more content NOW." It's a drumbeat that is impossible to ignore if you want to stay competitive in a landscape that increasingly lives online.
My immediate reaction to this trend, perhaps caused by laziness and love of an extra hour of precious nap-time or my fondness for floating in cool tropical waters with my family, is to say "all we DO is produce more content NOW. We're a production company! Why do I have to do that in my spare time!"
I'm usually alone when I ask this rhetorical question, so it's not surprising I get very little response.
But then I come to my senses and realize this is not what the experts are telling me. There are telling me to go above and beyond what is expected. Create something that "adds value" for your clients. Which is market-speak for "give them something free."
I dig that advice, actually, because all I do in my free time is listen to podcasts from amazing, large-brained mammals that teach me things all day long.
For free.
As anyone who knows me will attest, I am a podcastaholic of the highest order, half-buzzed from morning 'til bedtime on history lessons, filmmakers stories, business advice and interviews with mountain climbers. I am the demographic for my own content. Yet, I make excuses for not producing it myself.
All of this said, I'm deciding to buck the trend I know is critical for success and try something completely new. I'm not going to "add value" for DMC's clients.
I'm going to "add value" for my team. Team DMC. The Warriors that push us ahead every damn day (and night) with their hard work and focus.
Quite simply: thank you. From the green OJT's to the Masters that have been with me for 6 years to my own sister-in-law who happens to be the best office manager in Southeast Asia.
You are the reason it all works. You are going to take us to the next level.
You are all taking a leap of faith. That this blue-eyed American maniac has a plan. Actually, it''s bigger than that. A Plan. Perhaps even a PLAN. With all caps.
You come to the office every day, read over your notes, plug in your headphones and you work to SHIP. ABS. Always Be Shipping. Yes, I do believe we have some stelar processes in place for success and hopefully you're comfortable in the space you sit and the chairs you're sitting in, but mostly what your trusting is a guy who has been trying to learn "Sultans of Swing" his entire life and still can't get past the first 10 chords.
That's faith.
I take that responsibility very seriously, the success of DMC is not connected to the success of its team, it is the success of its team. I came here to Cebu out of the love of my wife and child and to build something meaningful for my previous team in Los Angeles.
I've stayed for an entirely new reason: my family is stronger than ever but my love of the extended creative community of the Philippines has taken me to new levels. I thought I came to teach, yet all I've done is learn. You all have changed me in ways I never imagined. When I see the mentorship that happens on a daily basis in our little corner of the world, it amazes me. How humans organize themselves for success, regardless of the details of the gig is inspirational.
So. Thank you for the work you do. Thanks for laughing. Thanks for taking photographs and sharing them. For asking questions. For leading and following. For playing bass. For being artists. For being professionals.
This one is for you.